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Micro LED

DY700K Transceiver

H.265 streaming technology.
4K 30 4:4:4 lowly compressed.
1G ultra low bandwidth distributed system.
Upscaling and downscaling with aspect ratio management.
Built-in video processing including Overlay, PiP, Multi-View, Video Splicing, and Roaming.
Ultra-low latency KVM cross zone pointer.
SDI/DVI/HDMI port options
Fan-less enclosure design, transceiver with IP display
Distributive and interactive 4K H.265 networked AV over IP product family with the ability to switch, extend, and distribute low compressed AV signals in real time with resolutions up to 4K@30, over a 1GbE.Experience this powerful, highly advanced AV over IP and video processing technology with this super low bandwidth solution.

DyneCloud is the ultimate solution that contains the most powerful AV functions, from seamless fast switchings, simultaneous AV synchronizations, AV recordings, Environment Control and playback to status monitoring while running over a cost effective 1G network.


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